Noriaki Inoue 井上鑑昭

(3 December 1902-13 April 1994). Used the following names: Kitamatsumaru (1902), Yoichiro (1909), Yoshiharu (1920), Seisho (1940), Hoken (1948), Teruyoshi (1971), Noriaki (1973). B. Tanabe. Nephew of Morihei UESHIBA. The son of Zenzo INOUE who married Morihei Ueshiba’s elder sister Tame, Inoue was raised in the Ueshiba home in TANABE. Also lived in Hokkaido with Ueshiba as a youth. Later became a devout Omoto believer and assisted his uncle in spreading AIKI BUDO during the prewar period. Eventually the two parted ways caused in part by the events surrounding the SECOND OMOTO INCIDENT. Taught his art as AIKI BUDO until 1956 when the name was changed to SHINWA TAIDO, which later became SHIN’EI TAIDO. Interviewed AN#73-75.

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.

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