Photo Journal: Anna Gallagher

A photo journal featuring Anna Gallagher, shot at the Aikido Center of Atlanta by Kelly Truitt.

Anna Gallagher (nidan) is Dojo Manager and Director of the Children’s Program at the Aikido Center of Atlanta. Anna is also a dojo consultant, movement arts instructor and certified Hatha Yoga instructor. 

I am very grateful for the path I’m on. It’s never been easy, but I’ve grown a lot. Our Aikido and Yoga community is nurturing and fertile ground for discovery. Thank you to all of my teachers who have spent years offering their guidance, love, and spirit to help all of us. I hope to continue their work as a channel to pass it on. It has become my work too. Surrendering to the path. Loving the adventure. Learning to embrace the days when it feels heavy and confusing. Process and practice daily. I struggle and remember that is why I train and won’t stop. I can’t. The lessons of getting back up when I fall have to be practiced, because I will fall and I know that I am supported enough to get back up again. I trust that the universe has a plan. I trust that learning to love in the most intense pain can lead to compassion for what we don’t understand. I want to help people know that they can heal themselves by learning to trust again. Knowing that their space is worth holding because they matter. Extending themselves into their own lives authentically. I will be practicing this right next to you and with you. I have to take my medicine too. Constant lessons in ego death and forgiveness can lead to loving beyond the deepest struggles. We can be there to support each other. Wishing you time to heal. Time to practice. Time to rest. Time to grow. One soul seed at a time. See you on the mat. – Anna G.

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.


Leave a Reply to Bruce Bookman Cancel reply

  • The photos complement the beautiful and profound sentiments expressed in Anna’s words. How pleasing it is to know that out there, there are people who really are engaged with O-Sensei’s dream . . . even if it is theirs of their own making.. . . it is a beautiful path to walk. Though it may prove a somewhat lonely path and is why peace must always reside within.. I am inspired by Anna, truly well done, thank you.

  • Anna Gallagher, you have a profound message and great outlook towards training and how it can apply to life. I strive, everyday, to walk in way in the manner you so eloquently express. Domo Arigatou Gozaimas.
