Aritoshi Murashige 村重有利

(7 January 1895-24 March 1964). Also Aritomo. A judoka and practitioner of Katori Shinto-ryu at the Kodokan together with Minoru MOCHIZUKI in the late 1920s. Began martial arts training in 1908. Entered the KOBUKAN DOJO where his monthly tuition fees were covered by the Kodokan. After training under Morihei UESHIBA, he joined the OMOTO RELIGION and participated in BUDO SEN’YOKAI activities, in particular, at the Takeda Dojo in Hyogo Prefecture. Murashige taught aiki budo in Manchuria together with Yoichiro INOUE in 1933. After the war, he taught aikido in Mandalay, Burma for several years beginning in 1953. Murashige later relocated to Belgium at the behest of Nyoichi Sakurazawa (Georges Ohsawa), founder of macrobiotics, in 1962 where he established a dojo in September. He spent his last years instructing until his death in an automobile accident near Louvain.

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.

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  • Hello,

    I am Aritoshi Murashige’s granddaughter. My father was Morihiko Murashige, also an Aikido instructor. I see this post is from 2011, but I hope someone will see this and can help. My daughter is currently studying piano in Gent, Belgium and is getting married this June. As we will be visiting the country, I thought it would be nice to visit the dojo my grandfather started if it is still around today. Would you be able to tell me the name and location of this dojo? I found a dojo called Murashige Aritoshi Shu-Ha-Ri Aiki-Bujutsu Kai Internationale Asbl in Brussels but I’m not sure if they are just using his name or if this is the dojo he started. There’s isn’t much information so I’m not even sure it is a dojo or a private group of some sort. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
