Bernie Lau

(b. 1941). B. Lille, France. 4th dan Aikikai, 1980 [rank authenticated]. Retired police detective; martial arts instructor. Moved to Hawaii in 1947 and was adopted into a Chinese family. Lau was first taught aikido in Hilo, Hawaii by Koichi TOHEI in 1955. His first two dan promotions were issued by Morihei UESHIBA. He traveled to the AIKIKAI HOMBU DOJO in 1962 to meet and train briefly under UESHIBA. He resigned from the Aikikai organization in 1975 to pursue study of TAIHO-JUTSU (police arrest techniques) and AIKIJUJUTSU. As a police detective with the Seattle Police Department, he worked undercover assignments in vice, narcotics, and Chinatown intelligence units. Lau markets a library of instructional video tapes on aikijujutsu and police arrest techniques. Presently resides in Keaau, Hawaii. Operates police dojo for training in arrest and control methods.

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.

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