Hiroo Mochizuki

(b. March 1936). 9th dan karate, 8th dan Yoseikan Aikido, 8th dan jujutsu, 7th dan iaido, 3rd dan judo. B. Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Graduate in Veterinary Science of Nihon University. Eldest son of Minoru MOCHIZUKI. Spent 1957-1958 in France as a university student at which time he also taught karate and YOSEIKAN BUDO. Returned to France in 1964 to oversee the instruction of Yoseikan Budo after the death of Jim ALCHEIK. After participating in various French martial arts organizations, Mochizuki’s group, now called Yoseikan Budo, reached an agreement with the FEDERATION FRANCAISE LIBRE D’AIKIDO ET DE BUDO headed by Nobuyoshi TAMURA in 1984. Mochizuki is active teaching a composite art called variously Yoseikan Budo, Yoseikan Aikido, and Yoseikan Kobudo. He has developed an eclectic concept of the martial arts that freely incorporates elements of Asian and European martial traditions. He has introduced a RANDORI style competition which includes a point system. The first world competition with participants from more than ten countries was held in September 1990. Awarded Professeur diplômé d’État, médaillé d’or Jeunesse et Sport, and is a state expert under the FFKDA.

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.

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