Karl E. Geis

(1933-8 April 2014). 6th dan Tomiki Aikido-JAA, 1969, 8th dan Tomiki Aikido-Fugakukai, 10th dan judo. Professional judo and aikido instructor; owner of Karl Geis Judo School, Inc. Began aikido training at Waseda University in 1957 under Tsuneko MIYAKE and later Kenji TOMIKI. Host to Riki KOGURE during his stay in Houston, Texas, c. 1970-1976. Author of A Book of Twelve Winds (see bibl. ). Fugakukai International Aikido Association, 1413 Butlercrest, Houston, TX 77080 USA (713)468-4879. Kosaburo Gejo (c. 1931)

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.

