Yoshinkan Aikido 養神館合気道

The name of the school of aikido established by Gozo SHIODA in 1955. Shioda adopted the name used by his father earlier for the family dojo. The techniques of Yoshinkan Aikido strongly reflect the pre-war training of Shioda in AIKI BUDO at the KOBUKAN DOJO of Morihei UESHIBA. The basic training curriculum is clearly defined and many techniques are practiced in KATA-like fashion, especially at the beginning level. Organizationally, Yoshinkan Aikido is smaller than the AIKIKAI HOMBU numerically, but has a strong presence within the Metropolitan Police Department of Tokyo which is under the supervision of Kyoichi INOUE. An INTERNATIONAL YOSHINKAI AIKIDO FEDERATION was formed in 1990. This organization is unusual in that it is based on a loose, flat structure allowing for multiple national groups, and direct contact by dojos and individuals to the Yoshinkan Hombu Dojo. The number of overseas dojos is presently estimated at 300. Yoshinkan Hombu Dojo, Kami Ochiai 2-28-8, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161 Japan (03)368-5556.

Josh Gold

Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, CEO of Budo Accelerator, and Chief Instructor of Ikazuchi Dojo.


  • The Yoshinkan Hombu dojo link in this article goes to what I assume is the correct address but it has been turned into a canoeing affiliate site
