Hiroshi Ikeda on Tradition and Change in Aikido

Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan, began his Aikido training in 1968 in Tokyo. He holds the rank of 7th dan and is founder and chief instructor of Boulder Aikikai, in Boulder Colorado. At a recent seminar, he spoke with Antonio Aloia of Aikido Journal about the current state of aikido in the United States, aikido’s relationship to other martial arts, and what the future holds for aikido.

Aikido Journal (Antonio Aloia): Thank you, Ikeda Sensei, for taking the time to talk with me and share with the Aikido Journal community.

Hiroshi Ikeda: Thank you for having me.

There are numerous approaches to promoting the art of aikido that have been discussed and implemented over the years. Some work, but many seem to produce no real results. When you first opened your dojo, how did you acquire new students? What types of methods did you use and were they successful?

Boulder Aikikai was established in August of 1980. At that time, the consumer internet did not exist. Recruitment of students consisted mainly of word of mouth, posters hung in supermarkets and restaurants and other places people frequented. Advertising in the phone book and Yellow Pages was also effective. These methods had the same effect in that era as internet searches do in modern times.

It has always been said that a dojo’s lifeblood is the membership. Based on your dojo’s past and current membership enrollment statistics, what were the age demographic and what groups do you feel are underrepresented?

In the 1980s, there were many people in their 20s to 30s practicing and in the 1990’s there were many people in their 30s and 40s. In the 2000s the number of people practicing aikido in their 20s had greatly decreased. Presently, the ratio of male-to-female students at my dojo is 7 to 3, with the majority being male. Most practitioners are Caucasian, along with people from Asian countries.

Hiroshi Ikeda teaching at the Aikijuku Dojo in June 2017.

Black Belt Magazine conducted a survey in the late 1970s and found that only a few thousand Americans practiced aikido. By the 1990s that number was believed to be in the tens of thousands. When did your dojo see its greatest membership growth? Was there a particular time or year? Why do you think that was a significant point for growth?

I think that the 20-year period from 1980 to 2000 was a time when many people practiced aikido. One of the reasons is that there were many martial arts movies and due to the influence of these movies, it was a time when young people and many other generations showed interest in the martial arts.

As students progress through the art, many are inspired to give back by teaching. How does your dojo develop its future instructors?

Aikido instructors are, of course, people who need to have great presence. They must possess not only knowledge of fundamental technical basics, but also, in order for aikido to evolve and thrive, they must possess excellent movement skill and have interesting technique, much like the shihan of previous times. This is imperative for the instructors of the next era. To be an instructor who only teaches the form of techniques will result in a future aikido that has no meaning.

In our current time, the attitude toward training as well as the time committed to practice has changed from what uchideshi experienced in earlier times. It is difficult to bring up good instructors in the current environment. In my dojo we experience a lot of aikido, and through these experiences broaden the horizons of the students, where each of them can develop individually. From this sort of environment we can expect that some good instructors will develop for the future.

For myself, I train always looking to the future, to develop myself, and then share the results with my students in training. If the student can develop even a little bit, I can hope that a future instructor will emerge.

In your opinion, what separates a good instructor from a great instructor? Is it skill level or more of an ability to connect with the students whom they teach? Does personality outweigh skill in some regards?

I think that presently there is a good variety of teachers. In the 1970s, when I was practicing at Aikido World Headquarters, there were many instructors who were students of O-Sensei. They were technically superior instructors, and during training would draw us into a story about aikido, things that would be further discussed at a coffee shop after class. There were shihan who spoke of various interesting things. The shihan were all different, but all of them studied very earnestly for many years under O-Sensei’s instruction. I think these instructors were the real thing, and also great mentors.

I think that those who train earnestly in this manner will become good instructors, and also have the potential to become great leaders.

In our current time, the attitude toward training as well as the time commitment has changed from what earlier time uchideshi experienced. It is difficult to bring up good instructors in the current environment. In my dojo we experience a lot of aikido, and through these experiences broaden the horizons of the students, where each of them can develop individually. From this sort of environment we can expect that some good instructors will develop for the future.

Ikeda Sensei teaching at one of his many seminars in 2017.

French aikidoka Christian Tissier suggests allowing younger instructors to teach classes more often in an effort to attract and draw more of the much-needed younger demographics into the dojo, that 18-30 demographic. Do you feel this is a valid method of addressing the age demographic issue? What other options might you suggest or have you tried?

Going forward, aikido must be built by young people. Even if you are a young instructor, it is a given that you must have technical and leadership skills. Aikido is not just for gathering people together. It has the important task of transmitting the spirit of O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.

Going forward, martial arts may not be able to keep from declining unless we think of them in a new way.

The future of aikido will change significantly, depending on whether a young instructor is a person who has trained a lot in aikido, or simply an instructor because he or she has acquired dan rank. It’s the wish for the future that, when the older people are no longer with us, the younger people will develop aikido, and from this, good instructors will emerge. What kind of young instructors appear, and how they share their technical ability and interesting aikido with the world will cause the future of aikido to change.

Recently, Josh Gold, Executive Editor of Aikido Journal, along with a number of other martial arts writers claim that aikido has been on the decline since at least 2004, with a massive drop occurring around 2012. Has this been your experience and has your dojo been affected in any way?

The change to the aikido population is seen in my dojo the same as it is all over. If the elderly are no longer around, and the young people no longer knock on the door of aikido, the consequence is that we cannot avoid a catastrophic situation for aikido.

Those same writers also contend that the 18 – 29 age group/demographic is almost nonexistent in aikido as well as other traditional martial arts dojo across America. What do you think is contributing to the decline and can these traditional martial arts survive without those specific age demographics? Are traditional martial arts in jeopardy?

This situation is occurring not only in the United States but in the whole world, and there is no good solution. Additionally, whether this can be said to be the cause or not, as we enter the years from the 2000s, fewer and fewer martial arts movies are being released.

“There is tradition in martial arts, but people live in the present age where the times are changing and people’s way of thinking is changing.”

It may be said that the general public has less awareness of martial arts. Also there has been a change in movies and television shows that feature martial arts. Many young people are interested in seeing programs with martial arts competitions.  The view of martial arts has changed and may be moving away from the dojo. Judo is an Olympic event and is popular in Europe, but in the United States it is difficult to find a judo dojo. Going forward, martial arts may not be able to keep from declining unless we think of them in a new way.

We are always faced with the inevitability of change, whether we like it or not, unfortunately. The world has changed dramatically in the last 25 years and martial arts have not been immune. How have you and your dojo adapted to such a change, if any?

As it is a trend of the times, it is difficult to make this change. I think it is important to think about a new practice method that brings interest to the practice.

In your opinion, how can traditional martial arts, such as aikido, adapt to the changing modern martial arts landscape and the American industry model? Is there a way for schools to maintain tradition and integrity while staying with the times?

There is tradition in martial arts, but people live in the present age where the times are changing and people’s way of thinking is changing. Keeping the tradition of the dojo depends on today’s people. If possible, I want to maintain the tradition and integrity of the traditional Japanese dojo without changing it.

The future of aikido will change significantly, depending on whether a young instructor is a person who has trained a lot in aikido, or simply an instructor because he has acquired dan rank. It’s the wish for the future that, when the older people are no longer with us, the younger people will develop aikido, and from this, good instructors will emerge. What kind of young instructors appear, and how they share their technical ability and interesting aikido with the world will cause the future of aikido to change.

Given that the membership numbers of judo and karate remain, at least, consistent compared to aikido, how do you think judo and karate adapted to such changes or why have they not experienced the same decline in recent years as aikido?

One reason is that there are competitions in judo and karate. Aikido has no competition. I think that martial arts without competitions that were regarded as important in the past now have less perceived value. We are in an era where people are interested in competitive arts.

When martial artists, particularly dojo owners, discuss the changes within the industry, many point to the rise of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) as two of the major factors. Are MMA and BJJ really contributing factors to the decline of traditional martial arts, and if so, what do these arts offer in comparison to aikido and other Japanese martial arts like judo and karate?

To put it concisely, Japan’s martial arts training is the piling up of many simple lessons. By watching competitions on television etc., a person has the advantage of seeing what is being done up close. One can imagine oneself standing in the ring. Perhaps this could be entering the realm of emptiness. In addition, it fascinates young people to watch. They enjoy it, regardless of whether they can do martial arts themselves or can endure the difficulty of training. They may enjoy watching because they can imagine doing something they never will.

Ikeda Sensei instructing an Aikido Bridge Friendship Seminar in Turkey, 2018.

Besides competition, is there something that judo and karate offer that aikido does not, given that judo and karate seem not to be experiencing the same rapid rate of decline in interest and participation as aikido?

Aikido, judo, karate, and all martial arts have the same purpose of development. Judo and karate have competitions, which fit with young people of today.  Isn’t this a different world from the original intent of the spirit of martial arts? One objective for continuing to train in martial arts is to develop patience. With martial arts such as judo and karate, and other arts that have competitions, one develops patience when facing an opponent in a match, and with martial arts such as aikido, iaido, and kyudo, patience is developed as one struggles with oneself. Aikido provides patience that is produced by calmness, and martial arts with competitions develop patience that is produced by action.

Aikido is centered around an idea of connection and unity; both on and off the mat. How would you describe your dojo community? Then in comparison and from your perception, in what ways does your dojo community culture align with the worldwide aikido community culture of unity? How does it differ?

In all martial arts, “Musubi,” or connection, is essential, because without “Musubi,” you cannot control the other person. In aikido we hear the word “Musubi.” Without “Musubi,” aikido techniques cannot be executed. I believe we need to think more seriously about the word “Musubi” in aikido.

Based on your opinion, in what ways does the overall aikido community compare to other Japanese martial arts, given the same cultural origin? What would be some of the differences, if any?

The fundamental purpose of studying martial arts is to develop oneself through training. This is common to tea ceremony, flower arrangement, calligraphy, Zen, as well as other arts.

Martial arts writer Nick Porter asserted that aikido’s curriculum has remained the same from its inception and asked the question, “why aikido has not changed or modified its curriculum as time went on, especially in relation to more modern styles that have seen a rise in popularity and numbers?” Do you feel that the overall curriculum of aikido could be updated for today’s modern era? If so, in what ways this can be done without losing the art’s identity?

The foundation of aikido was created by O- Sensei Ueshiba Morihei. This foundation cannot be changed. However, many students of O-Sensei Ueshiba Morihei used the foundation they learned from O-Sensei, and have created a different form of aikido. I think we have seen these different forms with many of the shihan we know.

With martial arts such as judo and karate, and other arts that have competitions, one develops patience when facing an opponent in a match, and with martial arts such as aikido, iaido, and kyudo, patience is developed as one struggles with oneself. Aikido provides patience that is produced by calmness, and martial arts with competitions develop patience that is produced by action.

We cannot change the spirit and foundation of aikido, but the outside form of aikido is changing. By no means is aikido something that cannot change in any way. In the future, I hope that the new generation of people will develop interesting aikido, which many people will want, making use of the foundation of aikido created by O-Sensei.

Because aikido is as individual as the individual who trains, many instructors and dojo have implemented various concepts and training methods adopted and adapted from other styles and arts. Has your dojo’s curriculum made any additions or subtractions to stay current?

Aikido technique is made up of basic movements, which cannot be changed. I think that if this basic movement is something that each person can freely manipulate, it will lead to each person developing their own aikido. To that end, we have to learn many new things, otherwise we become inflexible and rigid. In my dojo, students are aware of both the old form and new forms of aikido. The goal is for them to experience both and have personal growth as individuals.

What advice would you give to someone opening a dojo today?

A dojo is not a place for entertainment, it is a place where one can train earnestly. A place that is loose is not a dojo, it has become just a place where people get together. It can be said that any place where Buddha trained was called a dojo.

Thank you, Sensei, for taking the time to partake in this interview.

Thank you, Antonio.

In an effort to empower and cultivate a younger generation of aikido practitioners and instructors, Hiroshi Ikeda recently supported a new initiative developed by Aikido for TomorrowAikido for Tomorrow’s inaugural seminar was held at Boulder Aikikai on February 21-23. The event was 100% organized and led by this younger generation in an effort to inspire and encourage the future development of aikido. Aikido Journal will soon publish an article sharing impressions and perspectives of the instructors and participants from the event. 

Antonio Aloia

Operations Manager, Aikido Journal, Aikido sandan, MA in History with a focus on martial arts and East Asian studies.


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  • I am still curious about the comment on ‘thinking about the martial arts in a new way’. What new way?

  • As a lifelong practitioner of traditional Japanese Karate (Genwakai Karate) I would like to suggest that not all forms of karate attempt to develop calmness through competition. In Genwakai we develop calmness through the intensity of our training as we try to perfect our karate techniques. We do have competitions once a year to test our calmness and presence of mind. However, the competitions are not an end in themselves. They are only a test of the depth to which we have gone in the perfection of our technique. I know there are many karate groups who use competition as their main focus but I do not consider them a true form of Budo. They tend to be the kind of loose organization Ikeda Sensei spoke about.

  • I enjoyed this interview like others I have read of Ikeda-san. He has very similar views to me and basically he says what many Japanese feel about aikido. It has an origin, which is O-Sensei’s philosophy, and branches, which are partly self-created by different instructors allowing for creativity and internal learning. I think it is a great martial art which allows so much freedom. Most martial arts are competition-based, so there is a reliance on best methods, fighting skills, winning. As such, individual creativity is rarely seen. Although I suppose we do see creativity in other arts like Karate among some of the higher ranks also. But this is often a product of self-study and not part of the general curriculum. Why are people not interested in aikido anymore..? That’s a very interesting question. Could it be that there is a general trend toward selfish behavior..? Away from love..? Even in aikido circles..? If so, perhaps, we need to honor O-Sensei’s message and filter everything we do through this lens. I don’t mean hanging on to every meaningless phrase O-Sensei made; I mean, being loving. Being free of fear, anxiety, anger and hatred. Being free of the impulse to control people with power, even when we have power. Power and love do not go together but empowerment and love go together. In short, aikido, without much instruction on the details of power, is the best way to nurture future generations, in my opinion, because it gives the greatest free-play to the imagination…and in this way, our love is first hand and not something merely handed down by words or action or technique. It’s a feeling, man..!!!

    • Osensei was never that influential in mainstream aikido, it was Kisshomaru and Tohei that did the most of the teaching system after ww2.

      Ikeda should know that most instructors never spent much time with Osensei, he was flitting in and out. Modern aikido, especially after Tohei left, is Kisshomru’s aikido, not Osensei’s. Ikeda should ask himself why so few can do what he or Saotome can. Which is the missing ingredient? Is it being taught in modern aikido, at the Honbu? No, it isn’t.

      In response to Keni that Osensei’s phrases were meaningless, perhaps he could check out the aikidosangenkai website about these “meaningless” phrases. It is utterly ironic that people who claim to study Osensei art choose to carry on his legacy while brushing away his very words.

  • I really like Ikeda sensei’s ideas, and I think the best message that he passed to us in this interview was “Aikido is not just for gathering people together. It has the important task of transmitting the spirit of O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.”
    I think that we have to practice Aikido looking for something beyond, through the techniques and kata… we have to look for Aiki. I think this is the real purpose, O-Sensei’s Aikido was only possibly through Aiki, due to the serious study of Musubi, as Ikeda sensei mentioned.
    I think the big mistake that we can do is trying to match Aikido with other martial arts or “combat sports” because they seem to be more popular. Aikido is and can offer much more, and we have to be able to really see that.

  • With respect, it is “obvious” why aikido is losing followers – it is simply that it is seen as ineffective for self-defence, and at the same time, too challenging (ie slow) for self-development.

    Sensei mentions the lack of martial arts films, and it is true that without Sensei Seagal regularly damaging people onscreen, aikido has taken a hit. But, any action thriller out of Hollywood today has a massive amount of “martial art” action – some of it quite sophisticated. That’s why, in contrast to aikido, schools of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai and the like are comparatively flourishing. These don’t always involve competition, and they are instantly accessible, and quickly effective for self-defence and a degree of self-development (eg confidence and community involvement).

    Let’s also face the fact that aikido is almost useless for developing overall “fitness” until you get up the ranks and can safely train more intensively. All these other “arts” quickly develop superior levels of conditioning.

    Keni says: “Most martial arts are competition-based, so there is a reliance on best methods, fighting skills, winning”. Krav Maga and Systema (which seems to me to be Russian aikido :0) ) are examples of two HIGHLY effective fighting systems that are not competition-based. The implication from Keni’s response is that aikidoka should be more concerned with the usefulness of aikido as a system of personal growth, rather than basing it on best methods and fighting skills…if that is where we are going, it is no wonder aikido is having trouble attracting new/younger students.

  • Aikido dying because there are not many great teachers around.. Most are marginally martial at best.. They don’t know kaeshi waza and have poor rondori skills. Takemusu aiki is the goal and most current instructors never got there.

  • Osensei was never that influential in mainstream aikido, it was Kisshomaru and Tohei that did the most of the teaching system after ww2.

    Ikeda should know that most instructors never spent much time with Osensei, he was flitting in and out. Modern aikido, especially after Tohei left, is Kisshomru’s aikido, not Osensei’s. Ikeda should ask himself why so few can do what he or Saotome can. Which is the missing ingredient? Is it being taught in modern aikido, at the Honbu? No, it isn’t.

    In response to Keni that Osensei’s phrases were meaningless, perhaps he could check out the aikidosangenkai website about these “meaningless” phrases. It is utterly ironic that people who claim to study Osensei art choose to carry on his legacy while brushing away his very words.

    Osensei had both the spirituality and the unique martial “skills” powered by Aiki. Unless Honbu dojo starts recognizing what made Osensei great, acknowledge Osensei’s teacher and start teaching aiki (if the know how to in the first place), Aikido will only remain an empty jujutsu practice, full of mechanical movements and peaceful phrases like “relax, take care of your oppenent…”.
